Lavender green tea is a type of herbal tea that is brewed from the flowers of lavender and whole green tea leaves. As soothing as it sounds, Lavender green tea is a proven remedy to calm the nervous system, cure anxiety, stress, and sleeping disorders and also reduce the levels of bad cholesterol in our body. It is a natural mood uplifted. This tea can be brewed multiple times, and you can increase the water temperature with later steeping. It can be enjoyed both hot and cold.
Ingredients: Whole leaf organic green tea and dried lavender flowers
Aroma: Floral, earthy, slightly minty and smoky
Color: Light yellow
Flavor: A very light tea with earthy undertone and dominantly floral
One teaspoon of loose tea per cup of boiling water.
Steep 3-4 minutes.
Enjoy and repeat.
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